Thursday, January 15, 2009

Martin Luther King's Birthday

I pride myself with being informed about things; particularly Black History. I have read, or have been made familiar with almost every notable personality in the struggle for civil rights and human dignity this country has birthed from Martin Delaney to Malcolm X, and Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks. However, no one strikes a sentimental cord in me like Martin Luther King, Jr.

A poetic symbiosis of intellect, bombast, spirituality and human dignity, King was an American original. A man for his times and beyond. His magnificent Letter From A Birmingham Jail stands as a profound indictment of America's social order in the mid-twentieth century. His I Have A Dream Speech was a master portrayal of national hypocrisy. And the I've Been To The Mountain Top Speech was a defiant specter of things to come.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was more than just a speech maker, or a sentimental dreamer. He was a twentieth century prophet. I put him alongside Jesus of Nazareth. Yes, that's right, Christ. Because he, too died for our sins.


c_t_lite said...

I apologize, this doesn't have to do with your post ^^;
But I did want to thank you for leaving your comments. I love your book recommendations by the way, I will have to read them. I also like Sun Tzu Art of War and the I Ching.

Darren Palmer said...

Thanks for your comment. I have not read Art of War. I have been meaning to become familiar with it.