Thursday, October 20, 2011

Black Boys

My wish for young black boys is that they find pride and dignity in themselves sooner, rather than later; that they stop participating the psychologically destructive sport of competitive put-downs known, among other names, as "the dozens"; that they listen more to the good menfolk in their midst -- because they are everywhere; that they read and think more openly and without timidity; that they pull up their pants up and tone the cursing down; that they become brave enough to be individuals, yet a part of a community; bold enough to walk into a wide open and anticipating world -- embracing the diversity; that they not see racism in every superficial slight; that they recognize to be formidable is to be educated; that they embrace the best examples of black manhood; that it include strong virile figures like Douglass, Robeson, and Garvey; that they understand that adversity is inevitable; and that they always maintain a place for womenfolk and God in their lives.


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