Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bring US Home!

It is time for President Obama to show us the type of deliberate change that we need on the war issue. I am hopeful that the president can muster the will to declare the original mission in Afghanistan "accomplished," and to begin withdrawing all but a strategical force, adequate for defending itself and maintaining enough order for rebuilding around Kabul.

Who is to say that we have not dealt the Afghan leadership -- the one that harbored Osama bin Laden -- a decisive blow? Were we not able to mete out retribution for September 11, punish the Taliban government, and signal to the world that crossing swords with the United States could mean their ruin? The answer is yes. Now, Mr. President, leave in place a well resourced strike force, a massive intelligence network, and bring our troops home from Dick Cheney's war. Please.

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