Monday, April 28, 2008

In Search of the William Lynch Person

This Willie Lynch business keeps coming up in various conversations, and notably, in the fine movie produced by Oprah Winfrey, starring Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker, The Great Debaters. When I first heard it shared by Min. Farakahn at the Million Man March in 1995, it immediately struck me as curious. A convienent way to explain the psychology of dis-unity among modern day Black folk. Too convenient! Later when I read what was supposed to be a copy of it distributed by a neighbor, I became suspicious.

Without going into all the details for my own suspician -- the fact that it came from the same Nation that gave us the big head scientist theory, the unlikely use of vanacular in the copy I received, and the sudden reference to it in the 1990s, after all the prior years of scholarship that had not unearthed it -- I refer you to the link below for a more depth analysis.

Our people are so want for a solution to our perpetual exploitation -- and we are so damn religious -- that we are perpetually ripe for embracing convenient explanations and obscure legends, with only slight possibilities. Remember how the Ku Klux Klan owned Churches Fried Chicken -- with nefarious aims for the general health of Black people in their business plan? [That was a hot one in the late 1980s.] Although, it never stopped us from buying that chicken.

My point is that there is enough hard evidence to prove the systematic exploitation of Black people in this country, and in other places. We do not have to champion baseless myths that further miseducate our children. Or stories that establish additional excuses for us not to overcome our own mistrust of one another. We need to make progressive change in our lives based on a proud and triumphant history. I quote Bob Marley, "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds."

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